What is a 301 Redirect? How to redirect domain to New Domain

siddhant sugan dodrai
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If you're new to blogging and don't know the technical terms, it can take some time to get the hang of it. So, what exactly is a 301 redirect, and how does it work? What is a 301 Redirect? How to redirect domain to New Domain . Here's the definition:

What is a 301 redirect?

What is a 301 Redirect?
A 301 redirection is a permanent redirection of a single URL. This redirection forwards traffic and crawlers to a new URL. The 301 redirection is most effective for SEO because it passes the majority of link authority (90-99%) to a redirected page, which significantly improves ranking power.
What is a redirection process?
A redirection process is a process of redirecting one URL to a new URL (generally on the same blog/website).

What is 301 redirect?
The most common use of redirection is to redirect a website visitor (and search engine crawlers) to a URL that is different—usually a new and updated URL from the one the visitor intended to use.

A 301 redirection is the most stable and secure redirection for blog SEO best practice when you want to transfer as much link authority from the old to the new URL as possible. The 301 redirection uses the HTTP status code as the redirection number.

A 301 redirection gives you the best chance of keeping your organic search ranking for the keyword phrases that the old redirection was ranking for. These rankings should usually be transferred directly to the new redirection.

In the majority of cases, a 301 redirection will be the best redirection HTTP status code for your blog (moving a page or post's content to a new redirection URL).

If you change the url (permalink) on an existing blog post/page on your site, you will create what’s known as a broken link.

A broken link occurs when you change the URL (Permalink) of a page or blog post on your website without setting a 301 redirect.

A broken link is a bad thing for your blog because it sends your readers (and SERPs) to an old page that no longer exists. This is a terrible experience for your readers.

How do I create a 301 redirect?

If you want to set a 301 redirect in a safe and fast way, I suggest you use a free WordPress plugin such as Easy Redirect Manager, which I use on my blog.

Once the plugin is installed, you can quickly set a 301 redirect for each post or page you want to move to a different URL.

Once you have the plugin installed, you can go to Settings > 301 redirects and you will see a list of all of your 301 redirects. You will also be able to quickly add a new 301 redirect across your site.

It’s as easy as that!

Now that you’ve created your 301 redirect, all traffic and searches will be redirected to your new destination URL

You should also see that most (if not all) of your previous link authority pass over to your new destination URLs

It may take a while for your new URL’s page authority to increase, but it should only take a couple of weeks.

What happen if you redirect Expired Domain

From an SEO point of view, is it safe to buy an expired domain (which had some domain authority) and then redirect that URL to your blog in order to transfer that domain authority to your main site?

To sum up, I would strongly advise against redirecting expired domains to your blog.

The only exception to this is if you are buying a domain that has expired in the last few months and you have some actual content that you want to move to your primary blog. In this case, you can redirect an expired domain because you are bringing in real content that has been indexed in the past, and this redirect will look like a real website migration.

I firmly believe that search engines such as Google have become increasingly adept at recognizing these kinds of link building schemes (and this one in particular) and will not reward you for redirecting the expired domain to your main blog.

In fact, you could end up damaging your domain authority, or even seeing a manual action taken against your blog due to unnatural link activity, and Google will only become more adept at identifying unnatural links as well as other suspicious activity designed to boost a site's domain authority over time.

I know that I don't have all the answers about how Google's algorithm works behind the scenes, so these are just my best recommendations based on only ethical strategies for growing my blog.

The only thing I can say for sure is that I would never, ever, ever, ever put my blog on top of an expired domain.

But the strategy behind it is actually very clever.

Acquiring an expired domain (that used to be a real domain in your industry and had readers and backlinks and some built up in the past) at an affordable price with the goal of increasing your own blog's authority by pointing it to your site is very smart.

This would have been a good strategy 5 or 10 years ago.

Nowadays, a much better strategy would be to restate the expired domain as it used to be, or even just turn it into a new one page website today with actual content on the home page.

After that, you could link a few times from the home page of that expired domain once it’s hosted and live.

This way, it will be a real site with real content and you’ll pass any domain authority and page authority (via the links on the home page) onto your main blog as a result.

I would do that.

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