How to Resolve 502 bad gateway Error in Ubuntu WordPress

siddhant sugan dodrai
By -

Are you looking for the answer to the question, “How do I fix the 502 Bad Gateway error in WordPress”?. If you’re looking for answers to this question, you’re not alone. There are many reasons why a bad gateway error occurs in WordPress, and they can manifest in several different ways. How to Resolve 502 bad gateway Error in Ubuntu WordPress .

How to Resolve 502 bad gateway Error in Ubuntu WordPress

If you are using WordPress, you will come across a lot of errors that are both annoying and confusing. Some of these errors are missing a temporary folder, 400 bad request error, etc.

On the other hand, there is another error that is even more common and affects the whole internet, not only WordPress. This error is called 502 bad gateway and it is caused by a lot of different things.

For beginners, troubleshooting this error can take a lot of time. In this post, I am going to show you how to fix this error in WordPress.

If you want to get more information about 502 bad gateway error, then you can read another article on our website by clicking on the link given below.

👉 How to fix 502 Bad Gateway on WordPress?

How to Resolve 502 bad gateway Error in Ubuntu WordPress 

1️⃣  Check Web server logs: Check the web server logs to see if you have any error messages.
Common log locations for web servers are /var/log /nginx /nginx for Nginx, and /var/log /apache2 / apache
2️⃣ To apply the latest changes to your web server, restart the web server and if you are using PHP-FMP, restart it as well.
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service php7.4-fpm restart

3️⃣ Check PHP Configuration: Make sure your PHP settings are up-to-date. Look for errors in your PHP configuration files, such as PHP.ini. You might need to make changes to parameters such as memory_limit or max_Execution_time.

The process of editing the PHP file in Nginx and in Apache is different because Nginx is a web server and Apache is a web server that works with PHP using different methods. Here is how to edit the PHP file for both Apache and Nginx.

Change These Values in php.ini

max_execution_time = 300
memory_limit = 512M
post_max_size = 128M
upload_max_filesize = 128M

In Appache follow These Command to edit php.ini

Open the PHP.ini file in a text editor (like nano, vi, gedit, etc.) to open the PHP file for Apache. The PHP.ini file is typically located in the directory /etc/php / <version> /apache2. Replace the <version> with the PHP version you want to use. You may need to have superuser privileges to open this file.

sudo nano /etc/php/<version>/apache2/php.ini
sudo service apache2 restart

Restart Appache:

Once you have modified the PHP.ini file, restart apcs to apply the changes.

In Nginx follow these commands to edit php.ini

In FastCGI Process Manager, PHP-FPM uses a separate file called PHP.ini. The location of this file is different, but it is usually located in the file /etc/php/ <version>/phpm. Replace <version> by your PHP version.

sudo nano /etc/php/<version>/fpm/php.ini

Then restart your php-fpm

sudo service php<version>-fpm restart

It is important to note that any changes to the PHP.ini file will have an impact on all PHP applications on the server. Therefore, always back up the PHP.ini before making any changes, and always be careful when making changes to avoid any problems.

4️⃣ Check WordPress plugins and themes: Turn off plugins and use the default WordPress theme (for example, twenty twenty-one) to see if you have a problem. A bad plugin or theme can cause 502 errors.

5️⃣ Increase PHP Memory Limits: Increase PHP Memory Limits in wp-Config.php to reduce the amount of memory available for your WordPress site.

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

Check your Nginx and Apache configuration files for errors. Keep an eye on the server block (nginx) or the virtual host (apache) settings that affect your WordPress site. Check your database connection to make sure MySQL or MariaDB is running and you have the correct database credentials in your wp-config file.

Check your browser cache: Delete your browser cache and then try to access your site again. Browser cache issues can cause 502 errors.

Check server resources: Ensure that you have enough resources on your server. Too few resources on your server, especially memory, can cause 502 errors.

6️⃣ Update WordPress: Update your WordPress installation. Follow these commands to update WordPress:

cd /path/to/your/wordpress
sudo -u www-data git pull 

If you have security plugins such as Wordfence, disable them for a few days to see if they’re causing the problem.

Restart the web server (and PHP-FPM)

Test your WordPress site and see if 502 error is resolved.


How to fix 502 BAD GUARDIANS GUIDELINES on ubuntu

There are several ways to resolve a 502 BAD GUIDALOG error on ubuntu. First, make sure your web server is running (nginx or apache) and check the logs for the error. Then, restart the web server. Next, check the backend services and review the firewall settings. In the case of WordPress, try to troubleshoot the plugins and themes. If possible, increase the PHP memory limit. Finally, verify the database connection and try to resolve the issue.

Always test the changes and restart the services to resolve the issue effectively.

Also, keep your system and the WordPress installation up-to-date for better performance.

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