Using WordOps to Install WordPress Automatically on Ubuntu 22.04

siddhant sugan dodrai
By -

WordOps is an easy-to-use command-line tool that allows you to easily deploy WordPress sites using optimized LEMP stacks. LEMP stands for Linux Operating System; Nginx is a web server; and MySQL is a database with dynamic processing done by PHP.

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Using WordOps to Install WordPress

WordOps makes it easy to install and configure all the packages needed to deploy your site from LEMP stack, while also managing the creation of Nginx virtual hosts, WordPress installation, and SSL certificate installation. It also installs components that enable you to view statistics about your server's workload.

In this step-by-step tutorial, we'll show you how to install WordPress on your Ubuntu 22.4 machine and discuss some of the additional features WordOps provides.

The main reason I wrote this tutorial is because I know a lot of users don’t want to install WordPress on their own server because they don’t think they’re ready.

A while back, I wanted to switch from shared hosting to DigitalOcean $5 because I wanted better performance for a lower price.

I’m not saying shared hosting is a bad choice, it’s just that it was the right choice at the time.

It was a pain to switch to DigitalOcean because I had very little experience with Linux.

I believe that WordOps can help a lot of users who are in this situation, and I believe it’s a little less well known than it should be.

It would have been great to know about this solution when I was just starting out.

It only took a few commands and input when prompted. The entire process took around 7 minutes, but that was only because we had to wait for WordOps and all its dependencies to download and install. I think this is an exception, because in most cases, we are done in under 5 minutes. 

The main purpose of this video is to show you how quickly and easily you can create an optimized WordPress installation using WordOps. 

If you are unfamiliar with the options you have seen in this command, then I strongly suggest that you take some time to understand what these options mean and what alternatives are available to these options, so that you can easily configure the installation according to your needs. 

I will explain these options further in this tutorial, but you should definitely check all of them out in the WordOps documentation. They are all laid out very clearly.

If you think WordOps is right for you, let's take a closer look at how it helps you with WordPress administration/configuration/installation.

Using WordOps to Install WordPress Automatically on Ubuntu 22.04


  • Access to a server running Ubuntu 22.04, with at least 1GB RAM. If you plan to have a larger, more dynamic site then we recommend 2GB+ RAM
  • A domain pointing to your server
  • We recommend being logged in as a 
    non-root sudo user
    . This is because when you’re acting as root you run the risk of harming your system if you’re not careful.

Step 1 – Download & Install WordOps

We will use the installer script provided to install WordOps, so all dependencies and WordOps will be automatically installed.

Alternatively, you can clone the repository from Github, or you can manually install it. If you choose to clone the repository, you can find the installation instructions in the documentation.

Let's start by updating the server's software package.
sudo apt update

sududo apt update
wget -qO wo && sudo bash wo

To perform the automated install, run the following command, which downloads and runs the WordOps install script.
You will be asked to provide a username and email address at some point during the installation. This information will only be saved locally in.gitconfig. This file will be used to save server configurations. Here is my output:

Once the installation is complete, you can choose to use the follwing command to install WordOps stacks.
wo stack install

WordOps stack

WordOps will install these packages.

Once the packages are installed, you will be given WordOps access URL and access credentials.
WordOps installation

Step 2. Access WordOps

WordOps uses port 22222 to access it. So the format to access WordOps is https://YourServIP:22222
Accessibility of WordOps

Then enter the username and password given by WordOPs.

Enter username and password WordOps

You have finally installed WordOps!

Step 3. Install WordPress using WordOps

Now that you have WordOps installed, you can start configuring WordPress. Make sure you have an alias to run the commands directly when typing the word "Wo". In our examples, we will use the command " sudo wo".

Let's see how to install WordPress:

I will install WordPress from my domain
I will use PHP 8.1
I will use a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
I will use Nginx Fastcgi_cache
I will use HSTS
I will set my desired WordPress username/password
To install WordPress, I will:

$ sudo wo site create --php81 --letsencrypt --wpfc --hsts --user=Ed --pass="Thisisntmyp@ssword1234_"
You can also choose to leave the command " –user" or " –password". This will cause WordOps to use the name you set when you install WordPress, and it'll generate a random, complex password that will be displayed when WordPress is done.

In the case of special characters in the password you are setting, you can add single quotes around it, as shown in the following example:

At the end of the installation, you will be presented with the login credentials for the WordOps backend, as well as separate credentials for the WP dashboard, which should look as follows:
HTTP Auth User Name: WordOps
HTTP Auth Password : khT8hHVNmxK7IQ7DzYaS3dQf
WordOps backend is available on or
WordPress admin user : Ed
WordPress admin password : Thisisntmyp@ssword1234_
And that’s it! With just a few commands you can easily set up a solid WordPress install.

Usefull WordOps Command fo Specific function

To perform website specific actions, you can use the wo site command. The structure of this command is:
sudo wo site (command) [options]

I won't go into detail about all the configurations since the docs already have a detailed list, but since you're here, I'll give you a few examples to get an idea.
# standard WordPress site
sudo wo site create --wp
# WordPress site + Nginx fastcgi_cache
sudo wo site create --wpfc
# WordPress site + WP Super Cache & Nginx properly configured to work with it
sudo wo site create --wpsc
# WordPress site + WP-Rocket & Nginx properly configured to work with it
sudo wo site create --wprocket
# WordPress site + Cache-Enabler plugin & Nginx properly configured to work with it
sudo wo site create --wpce
# WordPress site + Redis Cache & Nginx properly configured to work with it
sudo wo site create --wpredis
# WordPress site + WP Super Cache & Nginx properly configured to work with it + Let’s Encrypt SSL
sudo wo site create --wpsc --letsencrypt
# WordPress site + WP-Rocket & Nginx properly configured to work with it + Let’s Encrypt SSL + PHP 8.1
sudo wo site create --wpsc --letsencrypt --php81
# WordPress site + Nginx fastcgi_cache & Nginx properly configured to work with it + Let’s Encrypt SSL + PHP 8.1 + HSTS Enabled
sudo wo site create --wpsc --letsencrypt --php81 --hsts


WordOps is one of the best server stack for WordPress hosting that is specially designed for Linux. It provides a number of features and optimization that make WordPress deployment, management, and scaling easier and faster.

WordOps comes with a graphical dashboard that makes it easy to manage your WordPress sites. It integrates with some of the most popular caching mechanisms, and supports multiple PHP versions.

Unfortunately, WordOps isn’t as easy to use as cPanel alternatives like CloudPanel or FastPanel, and it’s also not as well supported as some of the other cpanel altertives.

Because WordOps is open-source, it’s free to use, and it has a large community backing it up. That’s why it’s a great choice for anyone looking for a robust, scalable solution for WordPress hosting.

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