I have launched a few blogs in the past and they all failed. Why?
Because I didn’t love what I was doing.
It started off great, but as time passed, it started to fail.
This is why it is so important to pick a niche you truly love.
My passion drives everything I do. In fact, I spend more free time helping people than blogging!
When you love what you do, good things happen to you.
3. You need a (well thought out) plan
I have to admit, when I started Blogging Wizard back in 2014, it was a rushed launch. The content was flimsy and the plan was flimsy. If I could go back in time, I would have a better plan in place. I would launch with better content, and I would take a little more time to think it through.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of obsessing over every small detail. It’s so easy to get so caught up in the details that you lose sight of the bigger picture. There needs to be some sort of balance.
4. Expect to put some money into your blog
When I began, I was aware that there would be expenses.
For instance,
As time has passed, my expenses have skyrocketed, and for a while now, I've been spending more than I'm making.
However, I've made some awesome purchases that've made my life a lot easier.
Yes, I'm spending more money, but that's because I'm investing in the long-term success of my blog and business.
A lot of the tools I've purchased help me be more productive. I'm constantly fighting against time, so this works for me.
5. Start making money from the start
Making money has never been a priority for me. I'm good at what I do, but I've never pushed myself to the point where I needed to. There are two main ways that bloggers can make money:
- High ticket services (e.g. consulting)
- High ticket products (e.g. in depth training courses)
There's a good reason I haven't done either.
It's not that I don't have ideas (I have tons of ideas and probably 10 years' worth of products). It's just that I haven't had the time to pursue them.
When I started Blogging Wizard in December of 2014, I worked 7 days per week. I'd leave for the office in the morning, and when I got home in the late afternoon, I'd often find myself working. I was too busy with too many projects (and at the time I was running my own marketing agency).
I learned a lot about growing a business (fast), how to build processes, how to manage clients and how to manage staff.
I came very close to burnout during that time, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I also don't want my first product to be rushed, and most importantly, I want it to actually help people.
6. Build your list before you launch your blog
Before he even wrote a single post on his blog, Amit Aggarwal had 13k+ subscribers!
The plan was simple:
Create a 'bribe' for your subscribers on your blogs home page when they sign up
Then actively contribute to authority blogs and drive traffic to your landing page
I was so rushed to get my blog up and running that it took me a while to put together a 'bribe'.
If I could do this again, what would I do?
- Create a one-of-a-kind piece of content for your target audience
- Create a landing page (leadpages or thrive architect, depending on your budget)
- Write for authoritative blogs and include your landing page (typically in your author bio)
7. Don’t neglect your email list
One of my biggest disappointments is that I waited so long to create an exclusive content for my subscribers. Some of the best content I’ve seen isn’t posted on a blog. It’s an exclusive ‘behind-the-scenes’ type content that you receive when you subscribe.
So I missed out on a lot of growth opportunities.
I know some people view this differently, but you have to work really hard to get someone to give you their email address right now.
This is why I’m always looking for new ways to serve my subscribers – I owe it to them to give me their email address.
And I want to return the favor. That’s why I’ve recently opened my VIP Resource Center. When someone signs up for my VIP list now, they don’t just get a ‘bribe,’ as I mentioned earlier, they get everything.
8. Writing more isn’t always the answer
I used to think the solution was to write more content.
But that’s not the case.
I get more traffic (average) when I post more content, but it also means at some point, the quality suffers.
It also means I’m missing out on time that I would otherwise be spending promoting content (which is important).
You can only feed your audience so much.
But it also depends on the length of your content.
This means posting less content when you’re posting more detailed
content and more often writing less detailed content when you post more often.
It’s a tradeoff.
Your audience is one-of-a-kind. You may have a competitor, but they don’t have the same audience as you do.
Take a test to see what works for you.
If you’re not sure, ask them.
Putting together a survey is simple (and free) with tools like
But always think about your time.
9. You can only do so much
Have you ever taken on so much that you feel like you can't take any more?
I know I have, and it's been one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn. In fact, I'm still working on it!
But I'm getting there, and so will you.
10. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a successful blog
There are some people out there who are at the top of their game in your niche. Why are they at the top? They have worked hard for years; countless sleepless nights, countless blog posts, and a well-thought-out strategy to get where they want to be. Becoming a overnight sensation doesn’t happen, and it certainly isn’t something you can count on.
However, that doesn’t mean you should let that stop you from getting to where you want to be. With time, hard work, passion, and sheer determination, you can get there. There are some simple steps you can take, and writing for top-notch blogs in your area is a great way to get there.
11. Perfection can paralyze but it doesn’t have to
Have you ever tried to make something that was so perfect that you tripped over yourself trying to finish it?
Yes, I have.
Maybe that’s why I’m such a perfectionist.
Over the years, I have learned how to stop my perfectionism from ruining my life. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it in the end.
We are capable of anything we set our minds to.
12. Master your own productivity (and 7 tips to help you)
I still find myself wandering aimlessly from time to time.
However, I’ve come a long way from where I was a year ago, and I’m now more productive than ever.
I’d like to share with you some of the most important pieces of advice I’ve heard and how it’s had a huge effect on my productivity:
Here’s what I’ve learned so far:
- Value Your time : Your time is not only valuable, it is valuable. If you put a price tag on your time, you may find that your productivity increases overnight.
- You need time to think : Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, you need to be able to plan and strategize in order to stay focused.
- Prioritise your tasks : Ask yourself whether what you’re doing is really what’s most important.
- Cut out negative influence : these are just a distraction and negatively affect your mind-set.
- Eliminate all distraction : For example, if you are constantly interrupted by phone calls, you may need to turn off your phone. However, this may not be possible if you have people who need your attention to solve problems. Use your discretion.
- Eat a frog a day : If there’s anything you’ve been putting off, do it at the start of the day.
- Use tools to manage your tasks more effectively – Asana and Trello can work very well.
13. Sometimes you need to get help and it’s easier than you think
I'm more of a do-it-yourself type of person.
I'm not saying I'm good at it (I'm not) but I enjoy doing things on my own and being totally self-reliant.
I love a good challenge.
But sometimes that's not possible.
Sometimes you need help with what you're doing.
Maybe you need help with content writing or editing, maybe you need to hire guest contributors for your blog, maybe you need help with technical aspects or help with logo design.
We can't do it all, at least not the way we want to (not that we're not trying). That means we need to pay people to help us. It can save us time, it can save us stress, and we might even be happy with the outcome.
The truth is, we have to think about our budget. If we don't have the money, we don't have it.
You can find freelance websites that will help you.
For example;
Be cautious and look out for anyone you work with. If you know someone who provides similar services, reach out to them. You need to find people you can trust to help you.
14. The work doesn’t stop when you hit publish and you will be glad it didn’t
I know what it’s like to put hours, days, weeks of work into a piece of content and finally hit publish. But, no one reads it. The amazing piece of content just sits in a drawer, never to be seen again. It’s a bad feeling. That’s because you need to do more than just publish your content. You need to promote your content in the right way. It can take a lot of time, but it’s worth it.
Here's another thing you need to know.
The way you structure your content can have a major impact on its success.
Here are a few factors to consider:
- Who are you trying to reach? How can you tailor your content to meet their needs?
- What blog posts have worked for you so far?
- Which blog posts have worked well for other bloggers within your niche?
- What do people search for on Google?
- What are people posting on social media platforms?
- Are there any influencers within my niche who could help me improve this post?
- Can I improve my headlines?
15. The learning never stops and never should
Learning is essential.
It allows us to grow and develop into the person we want to be.
I am proud to say that every day I learn something new.
I set aside some time to read a new post or a new book (okay, part of a book).
Learning keeps me full of ideas.
I love the buzz that comes from learning something.
That’s what blogging is all about.
Things are always changing.
When it comes to topics like SEO, you never know what’s going to work, what’s not going to work.
New tools come out, new tactics come out.
There’s always something better out there.
Last word
A mistake is not the end of your life. Even if you keep making mistakes (we all make mistakes, right?), you're one mistake away from achieving your goals. It's the experience that matters.